Law Blog

Breath test refusal in Colorado traffic investigations

Anyone who has driven on Colorado interstate highways has probably encountered construction projects or accidents that have stopped or snarled traffic. Highway lane closures can cause backups for miles. Occasionally traffic jams are caused by drunk drivers and...

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Are you hoping to modify your parenting orders or agreement?

Going through your divorce may have been one of the most difficult experiences of your life. Understand that your divorce worked hardship on your children as well who had to deal with many difficult life changes as your marriage ended. Even though you did your best to...

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Man charged with vehicular homicide following Colorado crash

There are a variety of ways to legally use the roadways in Colorado. While many drivers are sensitive to and aware of the potential for collisions with motorcyclists and bicyclists in an area, bikes are nevetheless smaller in size that cars and SUVS which often makes...

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Emergency motions can reek havoc on parents and children

In Colorado a parent who believes their child is in immediate or imminent danger while with the other parent has the right to file an emergency motion to restrict that parent's parenting time.  Upon the filing of such a motion by one parent, the parenting time of the...

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Man accused of DUI following fatal Colorado crash

Car accidents in Colorado happen every day. In some cases, they are the result of driver confusion rather than a driver who engages in risky and illegal activities, such as driving under the influence of alcohol. Despite this, the police sometimes conclude from an...

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Mobile breathalyzer being tested as method to avoid DUI

Drinking and driving can be a deadly combination along Colorado roadways. In addition to the possibility of being involved in an accident, a driver who has been drinking is also at risk of being arrested and charged with DUI. For some individuals, just one drink may...

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Plea deal sought in vehicular homicide case

Speed limits, passing lanes and other traffic laws are in place to protect Colorado drivers. Some of these regulations seem trivial on the surface; however, when they are ignored, the results can be devastating. One Colorado man is now facing vehicular homicide and...

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New Colorado law increases already harsh penalties for DUI

It seems that with each passing year, laws concerning impaired driving become harsher. Penalties for DUI increase with public outcry for safer highways. While Colorado was already considered among the strictest states for dealing with impaired driving, lawmakers...

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Having a plan is beneficial when negotiating child custody

If you are considering getting a divorce, there are porbably a number of different matters weighing on your mind. Given the gravity and finality of a divorce, you probably have concerns and maybe some anxiety about how to proceed, especially if there are children...

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