Law Blog

When DUI investigation leads to drug charges

It is not uncommon in DUI cases for police officers to begin investigating a case with a potential DUI violation in mind and end up charging a driver not only with DUI but with drug-related charges as well. There are a variety of ways this sort of scenario can play...

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Felony DUI bill amended, but has gained strong support

Last month, we noted that lawmakers in the Colorado House of Representatives were considering a bill that would impose stricter penalties upon repeat DUI offenders. As we noted, the original version of the bill sought to impose felony charges on DUI defendants who...

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Work with us to build strong drugged driving defense

In a recent post, we wrote about the importance of working with an experienced attorney in cases involving DUI charges based on marijuana impairment. The issue is an important one with more Coloradans legally making use of the drug, whether for medical or recreational...

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Colorado man facing vehicular homicide charges after crash

A Colorado man is currently facing charges in connection with an accident that occurred earlier this month in Aurora. The accident, which involved three vehicles in a chain reaction crash, left a man and a woman dead.  The man who is responsible for the crash...

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Reminder: you can be charged with DUID based on marijuana use

Back in late January, the Colorado State Patrol released statewide new data on driving while intoxicated and driving under the influence from 2014. Among the interesting statistics were that, out of a total of 5,500 tickets related to drugs and alcohol—354 of them...

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Bill would impose penalties on repeat DUI offenders

Most people assume that multiple drunk-driving convictions results in progressively more serious charges. In most states, that is indeed the case, but in Colorado and a handful of other states, it is possible for an individual to not face felony DUI charges even after...

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How does field sobriety testing factor into DUI defense? P.2

In our last post, we began discussing the issue of field sobriety testing. As we noted, the Standard Field Sobriety Test consists of several discrete tests. It is important for readers to understand that they do not have to submit to field sobriety testing, and it...

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How does field sobriety testing factor into DUI defense?

In our last post, we raised the question of the evidentiary value of field sobriety testing. This is an important issue for a couple of reasons. Firstly, field sobriety testing is typically used by police officers as a means of gathering enough evidence to support...

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More clarity now on warrantless blood draws? P.2

In our last post, we briefly discussed a recent U.S. Supreme Court decision to not hear an appeal out of Colorado which sought clarity on a previous Supreme Court ruling which refused to recognize an automatic exception to the general warrant requirement where...

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