Law Blog
Drafting a prenup is not planning for a marriage to fail
Engagement is an exciting time for Colorado couples as they plan a wedding and begin to make plans to start their lives as a married couple. During this time of preparation, few people want to think about the possibility that it will not last, but it can be quite...
Vehicular homicide charge results in 12-year prison sentence
In seconds, your life can be altered by the bad decision to drink and drive, and you can find yourself in a hospital bed or jail sell facing criminal charges as a defendant Colorado's criminal justice system. What's worse, the bad decision can result in the loss of...
Division of property can be a sticky ordeal during divorce
Divorce is hardly ever an easy process no matter how long or short of a time you have been married. The legal issues that tend to cause the most headaches during this type of family law proceeding are marital property and debt division. In the state of Colorado, both...
Summer season kicks off season of DUI checkpoints
Holiday weekends, family barbecues and summer picnics are here. Along with these relaxing, fun-filled activities come good food, friends and social drinking. While this may be a great combination at the time, once it is time to go home, unless a designated driver has...
Blood alcohol tests and express consent
Every morning thousands of drivers start their day just like you. They get into and start their car, pull onto the road, and head toward their particular destination. Presumably these individuals have a driver's license and know how to drive, but this is not always...
Parental responsibilities after divorce: can mediation help?
Child custody cases can be lengthy processes in Colorado. This is particularly true when these cases are part of bigger divorce cases. Unfortunately, the longer it draws out, the more emotionally and financially draining the child custody case can be. However, if both...
4-car accident leads to DUI charges
On most Friday nights, it is common for individuals to gather after a long work week. Sometimes, they go to dinner; other times they just go out for drinks. Regardless of the type of week it has been or the venue the group has chosen to unwind in, it is important that...
Will a breath test refusal cost you your driver’s license?
When a police officer pulls you over in Colorado and asks you to exit your vehicle, an uneventful day can quickly become stressful. In such situations, it pays to know your rights ahead of time so you can respond to events as they unfold. Many people think they must...
Colorado DUI: Impaired driver responsible for crash
Law enforcement authorities are investigating an accident that recently occurred in Colorado Springs. They believe that impairment was a contributing factor in this collision. While it has not been reported whether any charges have been filed in this case, if the...
Colorado driver charged with drunk driving and vehicular homicide
Friday afternoons are a great time to enjoy lunch with friends. Conversation about weekend plans and a few drinks often add to the afternoon enjoyment. However, when the drinks flow too freely and the individual has one too many, getting in the car and driving on one...
Students learn of the dangers of DUI
Every single day, students across Colorado drive to school. In addition to driving to school, they often drive to after-school events and activities that many teenagers participate in. For the most part, these teenage drivers adhere to traffic laws and do what they...
New Colorado bill takes aim at DUI/DUID/DWAI repeat offenders
Mothers Against Drunk Driving have teamed up with the Colorado legislature in an effort to stop repeat drunk driving offenders. It is often believed that once someone has been stopped for possible DUI/DUID/DWAI that the driver would be too scared to do anything that...