Does a change in circumstances merit a change in child support?

Life doesn’t stop changing just because the divorce is over. At some point, you may find that certain provisions of your divorce order no longer work with the rest of your life. Often, financial changes impact child support capabilities and needs, and these...

Having a plan is beneficial when negotiating child custody

If you are considering getting a divorce, there are porbably a number of different matters weighing on your mind. Given the gravity and finality of a divorce, you probably have concerns and maybe some anxiety about how to proceed, especially if there are children...

Drafting a prenup is not planning for a marriage to fail

Engagement is an exciting time for Colorado couples as they plan a wedding and begin to make plans to start their lives as a married couple. During this time of preparation, few people want to think about the possibility that it will not last, but it can be quite...

Division of property can be a sticky ordeal during divorce

Divorce is hardly ever an easy process no matter how long or short of a time you have been married. The legal issues that tend to cause the most headaches during this type of family law proceeding are marital property and debt division. In the state of Colorado, both...

Parental responsibilities after divorce: can mediation help?

Child custody cases can be lengthy processes in Colorado. This is particularly true when these cases are part of bigger divorce cases. Unfortunately, the longer it draws out, the more emotionally and financially draining the child custody case can be. However, if both...
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