As someone considering getting a divorce, you have probably conducted a few or several online searches inquiring about your divorce options. The sheer amount of information about divorce can be very overwhelming. From law firms to start-up companies trying to commercialize the divorce process, it can easily become confusing as to what is legitimate and what is not.

There are even hotels that offer what they claim to be a resort-setting for divorce so that it is more “relaxing” for couples. Some companies are even offering algorithms to help you figure out what type of divorce lawyer you require. And to top all of this is the online DIY divorce.

Individuals considering one of these quick or DIY divorce options that often utilize online divorce forms should be extra cautious. There are risks to DIY divorce forms, including:

  • Inaccurate descriptions of property, from real property to retirement funds. No one else is looking out for the accuracy of this information but you.
  • Mistakes made when calculating child support.
  • Being too vague when it comes to custody and parenting plan decisions.
  • Actually placing a checkmark in the wrong box.

Relying completely on yourself to file for a divorce accurately and in total compliance with the law is a pretty heft burden to take on. Rather than just trying to get a seemingly fast and easy divorce, do it the right way the first time. Seek help form an experienced divorce lawyer in Colorado. That way you have someone who as a legal obligation to make sure your divorce is handled with accuracy, thoroughness and in your best interests.

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