DUI suspected after Colorado police say driver failed to stop

When movies and television shows portray high speed chases, they are often filled with fast cars, making daring moves and placing the lives of many at risk. However, police in Colorado claim that they were involved in a “chase” of a different sort. The end...

Your spouse may have to pay you after your divorce: here’s why

Colorado Springs Divorce Attorneys Your spouse may have to pay you after divorce: here’s why Getting divorced can understandably be an overwhelming experience from an emotional standpoint. However, it can also be financially stressful, especially if you earn...

Man accused of vehicular homicide, DUI following Colorado crash

Accidents can happen at any second for a variety of different reasons. While some may be the result of criminal behavior, many are due to a relatively simple driver miscalculation. Unfortunately, police in Colorado may be quick to jump to conclusions about the cause...

Man charged with DUI after bicycle crash

Almost all drivers in Colorado have likely encountered bicyclists when they travel. While it is necessary to take extra precautions when cyclists are in the area, unpredictable actions can sometimes result in an accident. Unfortunately, a driver is now accused of DUI,...

Colorado Springs crash leads to vehicular homicide charge

Car accidents happen for a variety of different reasons. When they occur in the early morning hours, the cause could be related to driver fatigue or lack of visibility. Unfortunately, a recent fatal crash in Colorado Springs has left one man wondering how to respond...
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